Saturday, June 14, 2008

Startitis Big Time

So, I have decided that I have the worst startitis habit in the world. For those who have no idea what I am talking about, startitis is a disorder that knitters get. We will start a project. And start another project. And start another project. And start---well, you get the idea.
The problem I am having is a bit of stash burning ickies. Due to the fact the we have 2 kids in diapers and gas is $4.25 a gallon, my yarn fund has dimished to a skein a month if I am lucky. This is not condusive to sweater knitting or any other large project for that matter because the same lot number is not going to be there for 8 months. So, I have been burning through the 1/2, one, two and three skein onlies in my stash. A pair of socks here, a purse there, a throw on the needles, etc. However, there are only so many mittens and ear warmers one can make before totally losing your mind! What makes it worse is I am a total pattern whore. I have THOUSANDS of patterns---internet patterns, .pdf files, books, magazines (ohhhh, I heart magazines!). So, whenever I need inspiration, I meander through the pages of my computer, notebooks or magazines (ohhhh, I heart magazines!). I know, someone with startitis doesn't necessarily need inspiration (as we usually have too much), but I do it anyways. Now, I can't focus. What I have been doing is whilst trying to burn my stash creatively, I start several things and realize I really don't like the color, shape, stitches, or yarn. And then I start something else. Repeat. And I long for a knit/crochet sweater and this beautifully cabled jacket that I am DYING to make, but can't unless I want to bring my own costume to tryouts of Joseph and the Tecnicolor Dreamcoat. UGGHH!!!
Now that I have vented on you I will obediently return to my stash. I will pick ONE (ok, maybe three) projects and finish them. Maybe I will post my projects here, and show my progress and use you as my check. Ohhhh, the gears are turning....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've Been A Bad Blogger

So sorry y'all for the lag in posts. I'm not going to just start a blog and then leave you hanging for the rest of all time and stuff. Let me bring you up to date.
The boys are great. Elias is working on 3 more teeth, and he is FINALLY starting to sleep through the night. I can say that I have slept over 10 hours total the last 2 days. Now that's a miracle short of the Red Sea Parting. Jude is looking forward to his first movie in a REAL theatre. We are planning on going to a showing of wall-E as soon as it's out. He just became the proud owner of Toy Story 1 and 2 over the weekend and we have watched them a total of 16 times EACH. When he gets on a kick, he goes. Thankfully the weather here is looking up so we can have some outside time. Did you know it SNOWED here on Monday? Yup. Big fat wet flakes in the rain. It's June, people. And they say we have global warming. OBVIOUSLY they haven't been to Vancouver/Portland lately.
News in the world of Angela: An essay I wrote has been accepted for the Cast-On podcast! I just recorded and sent it to Brenda, said podcast's host. As soon as it airs I will post a link to the specific podcast, but until then here's a link to the page: Go, explore, enjoy.
My battery on my laptop is dying and until I get the socket for the charger cord repaired, I have to sign off and shut down to prop the computer in this weird cockeyed angle to get it to charge. I have more pictures and stories to post, so I promise I will get on that soon! Until then, enjoy the SUN!!!