Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Elias Is A Picky Eater

It's amazing how picky a six month old can be. Elias has absolutly refused to eat food that is good for starting (i.e. carrots, applesauce, pear puree. You know, typical Gerber fodder) However, he will eat pieces of pepperoni, bits of bagel, ice cream and the piece de resistance: Otter Pops. Yep, I said it. That frozen treat of ice flavored with sugar and coloring that stains your tongue for hours. He goes CRAZY when he sees that stick of yummy goodness walk by in Daddy's hand. And then, if he's just withing reach, he grabs it, chomps down on the open end and DOES NOT LET GO. I even offer to nurse and he won't let go. It's insane the sugar crazies.

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