Saturday, May 24, 2008

So you wanna watch a movie...

Jude loves movies. Anyone within a 10 mile radius of him will know this. It started about a year ago with Shrek and all Shrek related things. Then Clifford, and Curious George. Lately it's been Disney movies: The Incredibles, Cars, Finding Nemo, Peter Pan, Jungle Book, George of the Jungle. And he asks for them by name. "Mom, Incredibles please?" "Why yes, Jude, thank you for being so polite!" Now, he is still developing his speech and slurs some letters together. I'm accustomed to hearing 'Bonster's Pink' when he wants to see Monster's Inc. Or 'Obots' for Robots. But the other day he was very adament about something, and in all my mommy translating power I could not understand. "Mom! Belw! Belw! PLEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!" "Jude baby, I don't understand, can you show me?" (grabbing my hand and pulling me to the TV and his movie pile) "Belw, Booty a Beast?, Booty a Beast please?" And so I came to discover his new favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. It could be the girl (she does look a little like me), it could be the songs. It's likely the music because he likes to twirl to it. Yep, twirl. Not just dance. TWIRL. I think he would like a kilt. What I can't get over is what poor Belle is called when he asks to watch "Booty a Beast".
But it's not as bad as what he used to say before he could name titles of movies.
And he would say it at the store when ever we passed by a DVD.
"Mom? A Boobie?"

That's my boy.

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