Friday, January 9, 2009

If acheivements were measured by sanity.

So I've been reading the blog of my sister-in-law Lena. Love that girl! She keeps up with, count 'em, 3 blogs and chases after her two beauties/tyrants who are 6 and 4 all the while half way through with cooking baby #3. AND is a freelance sports writer who's hubby is in Scotland until the 17th of January. God bless her. And I am sitting here, exhausted from reading her blog, thinking about how I never write on my own, and wonder what I would do if Mark left the country for 2 weeks. I think I would be bald when he got back. Yep, definetly bald. Perhaps covered in chocolate. And an empty bottle of Reisling (or 5) on the counter. Salut to you, Lena!

1 comment:

Lena said...

Cheers Angela!

I have a friend who is designated drinker this time around. Brilliant idea if I say so myself.

Plus the kids go to school, thus leaving me a few hours of alone time each day. And two weeks is a walk in the park compared to previous adventures.